Roadside #2

Another analogue photo in the post-studio   roadside series ---  a minor photographic  series that has emerged from the various poodlewalks. This site is the southern side of the eastern end of Depledge Rd in  Waitpinga on  the southern Fleurieu Peninsula  in the late afternoon.  

What could be more mundane  than the roadside of a back country road,  which people treat as a dumping ground for their  illegal dumping? What could be less uninteresting? It is about as interesting as Ed Ruscha's serial photographic project entitled Various Small Fires  that presents a sequence of such objects  (matches that are alight, a lighter that’s fired, a lit cigar, a lit cigarette, an ignited gas ring and so  forth).

degraded agricultural landscapes

Sadly,  a lot  of Australia's agricultural landscapes are in the grip of a slow death. It's not just the clear felling of the woodlands  or the   loss of life, that is species (plants and animals) extinction either.  There is also drastic loss in life support systems.  

The plagues of rabbits (introduced to the continent with the first fleet) invaded the rangelands, eating all the vegetation and leaving the soils exposed to wind and rain. Overgrazing by cattle and sheep, particularly during periods of drought, exacerbated problems; in areas where rabbits never flourished, cattle seem to have been equally effective in denuding the country.

 Much of the one quarter of Australia that is not rangelands is being intensively farmed. There is salinity, in many places, and acidity in others, both of which are devastating this farm land.