
Fire.  In Talisker Conservation Park. This park  is located on the south-western area of the Fleurieu Peninsula in South Australia,  is north west of Deep Creek Conservation Park, and it is populated by rough barked manna gum (Eucalyptus viminalis spp. cygnetensis).

 It is primarily known for the  former Talisker Silver Mine, which  is of significant heritage value, as a largely intact example of historical silver mining practises that represent Cornish mining traditions and mine construction techniques. Deep Creek Conservation Park is the  largest portion of remaining natural vegetation on the Fleurieu Peninsula,  and it is surrounded by land that has been cleared and is now being used for agriculture,  particularly grazing. 

Probably a messmate stringybark (Eucalyptus obliqua).

There has been a moderate decline in rainfall in the region since the 1970s. Summer in South Australia's  Mediterranean climate-type  climate  with its warm-to-hot dry summers and mild-wet winters means high temperatures, hot north-westerly desert winds,  and increased risk of high intensity fires. 

Climate change projections for the region indicate decreasing rainfall (the winter rainfall  is largely declining),   increasing temperatures, rising sea levels and more severe fire danger days. So more bushfires.