During the winter months I have been photographing the clouds and sea of Encounter Bay on the early morning poodlewalks. This photography has generally been before sunrise from the eastern side of Rosetta Head. The clouds usually disappear after sunrise
An example:
These are not just cloud studies nor just light studies as often it is the play of light on the water that attracts me as well as the clouds.
The clouds, light and colours change rapidly between 15 minutes before sunrise and 15 minutes afterwards.
Living on the coast of the southern Fleurieu Peninsula in South Australia makes one very sensitive to the changing weather conditions and the drama of the winter weather: the strong winds, the thundering seas, the rain, the clouds and the light--especially when I am walking the standard poodles early in the morning and late in the afternoon.
After the pre sunrise before sunrise from the eastern side of Rosetta Head I continue over Rosetta Head and walk down towards Petrel Cove before heading for home. Sometimes the cloud formations over the coast are eye-catching:
Usually the southerly winds from the west and north are far too strong for photography.